Name: Sybella
Gender: Female
Species: Parsnippet (closed species)
Birthday: November 18

Toyhouse Page

Collecting Things


Dutiful, Lazy, Cunning.


This character is a Parsnippet, a no longer active closed species created by Mweor user #1761.

Each parsnippet is unlike the others in appearance. Can be resold, redrawn, but not edited in any way. Parsnippets can be bred, however all are related to a male called Bosmath [great great grandfather etc]. They have eight legs, and are all quite different, except they have the same shaped ears, the same number of legs. Parsnippets can be any colour with any markings. noses and paw pads are usually the same colour. They are usually lazy creatures, and have a tendency to hoard things.

This specific girl has the mutation of uni-horn and saber-fangs. Daughter of Dubshlaine[male] and Majesty[female] and is grand-daughter to Bosmath.