"No Jade tonight, hm?" Jack asked. That detail was apparent when he walked in the door; her scent was certainly not strong enough for her to be there.
"You’ll have to take your pay from me instead for today." Aiden said with a shrug.
"That’s too bad." He grinned. It was another errand Aiden had sent him on; take out another person getting in his way. Really it was a game to Jack, but he wasn’t going to let it slide when he was getting a free meal out of it. A good free meal, at that. He could have simply chosen to eat the victims if it was merely food he was after. But shifter blood is far more worth my time. And of course Aiden’s response to it was worth it on its own.
"Would be if it happened all the time, might get addicted to you like Jade." He joked.
"Wouldn’t want that."
"No, I wouldn’t. I’m surprised Jade doesn’t know about the job you had today, to be honest. She pretty much obsesses."
"I’m sure I could switch to you for a while." He smirked, walking across the room to sit down on the arm of the chair Aiden was sitting in.
"Not sure that would be possible."
"Too bad if it isn’t," Jack said, leaning over to speak more softly against Aiden’s neck. "Your blood tastes better anyway."
He didn’t leave room for response before he sunk his teeth into his skin, the warmness of Aiden’s blood quickly filling his mouth. It did taste better than Jade’s. Better than most anything, really. And he didn’t care to sit around and talk and idle the process any longer because he knew it tasted this way and he had been craving it since he had finished the job. Aiden didn’t mind at all really, not now anyway. In fact it only took a short moment for him to enjoy it. The effect of the bite made him relax in against Jack, sighing softly.
As soon as Jack started to pull away Aiden wrapped his arms around him, pulling him back in closer. Closer even than he had been. He didn’t want him to leave. He wanted more.
"Not obsessed, hm?" Jack laughed as he leaned in closer to Aiden’s neck again. "Perhaps I shouldn’t bite you again, then."
"Just this once…" he said softly, bringing Jack’s body closer against his as he tightened his hold more, tilting his head for him.
"And to think you make me work and get this benefit." Jack teased before biting him again. After this time Aiden was completely lost in it. He loved it too much, the feeling of not caring about anything. Except this. He leaned into the bite, wanting more. Always more. Never end...
When Jack let go Aiden felt desperate to have more. He nuzzled against him. Even Jack’s scent almost made him high; all it took was his warmth and his scent to make Aiden feel the effects, or he thought anyway. His mind was too focused on keeping him there, thinking even now he would give him more of the effect.
And of course Jack allowed this for only a little while before backing up and laughing. He always did this. Aiden should have hated it, but he didn’t have enough care to hate right now. His only care was that Jack didn’t get away. He stood up with him. "No.." he mumbled.
"No? If I take much more you’ll pass out."
"I don’t care.." he mumbled, hugging him again.
"So desperate for something you were so certain you didn’t even really desire, huh?" He teased. "I’m afraid if I give you anymore you’ll never let me leave."
"Then don’t."
"I’m being nice you know. You’d make a fool of yourself if I let it go on any farther, which believe me, I’d love to see. Might ruin our arrangement though." He shrugged him off. "I will see you again another time, Aiden. Perhaps when you are sober you will give me permission, hm?" He laughed as he ducked out into the hallway.